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Sign Profile Analysis

The Sign Profile Analysis (SPA) is the ultimate signage planning tool.

Before jumping straight into the design, we take a deep dive into the analysis of your built environment and ensure that we address project budgets. The only way to effectively control the cost of a sign program is to create a comprehensive plan right from the start. That is why GNU Group developed our proprietary Sign Profile Analysis™. With our comprehensive signage analysis, you get a turnkey solution with easy to predict costs.

The  SPA™ delivers a comprehensive presentation of findings and recommendations for discussion that includes a complete sign count, pricing of design and fabrication options, budget ranges of high/low for each sign type, wayfinding strategy, research of sign codes based on project jurisdiction and finally, any electrical, lighting, and landscape information you need to know to prevent add services at a later date.

Our SPA™ is distinguished by the way it presents the findings. The evaluation and processing of the myriad of project details result in a comprehensive report comprised of the following components:


Circulation Analysis

Depicts paths of travel, both horizontal and vertical, to all spaces in and around your project.


Project Use Analysis

Essentially color codes your project, identifying all major building or site functions in an easily digestible way.


Sign Type Analysis

Determines the necessary sign types and their general placement for each specific project.


Sign Type Hierarchy

Identifies each sign type by a specific category (Branding, Wayfinding, Identification & Regulatory) and provides general descriptions, sign type examples, and quantities.


Preliminary Budgeting

Provides categorized high & low-range estimates for the cost to fabricate and install each sign type, assuring the client will have everything they need to decide how to allocate their budget.